Working with an Italy based tour operator, and making use of their expertise to curate some of the most unique and informational content on the web, I helped them over the space of a year increase organic traffic by 961%.
This was primarily achieved by taking a user-first content approach, and rather than focusing on the marquee keywords that a lot of the major websites were going for, used real questions and pain points discovered through travel forums, TripAdvisor, and Quora to create standalone content outside of the question aggregator website.
~4,199 Ranking Keywords (Increase From 610)
~230 Image Pack Featured Snippets
Continued Growth Post-Campaign
Following the time I worked with the client, they went on to see continued growth, leading to a record sales year.
With an already established network of affiliate websites providing traffic, organic search has now become a sustainable channel for user acquisition.
If you would like to contact me about your SEO plans, projects, or issues you’re trying to overcome, please contact me through one of the methods outlined on my contact page.