
SEO Insights

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Thursday, January 2, 2025
Dan Taylor

What is Edge SEO?

Edge SEO is a field of technical SEO, that utilizes serverless (edge) technologies to execute changes to code through using the CDN as a form of middle-ground in which SEO hotfixes and recommendations can be implemented.

Monday, May 13, 2024
Dan Taylor

How do I minimize main thread work?

Main thread work is any work that takes longer than a few milliseconds to complete. These are usually CPU-intensive tasks that cause a frame or animation on the webpage to lag. It’s always best to minimize and reduce main thread work because it can affect the user-experience of your website and app by decreasing the responsiveness with which they loaded, decreased scrolling speed, delayed UI updates (such as form input fields), and even making animations stutter or become choppy.

Monday, January 8, 2024
Dan Taylor

Measuring the ROI of SEO

Over half of a business’s traffic is typically generated through organic search, making it crucial to optimize websites to capture this audience.

Tuesday, January 2, 2024
Dan Taylor

A Beginner’s Guide to SEO Redirects

Redirects are a huge part of SEO, but when implemented incorrectly, they negatively impact user and crawler experiences across a website.

Sunday, August 22, 2021
Dan Taylor

An introduction to client-side (re)hydration

In web development, hydration and rehydration are two terms that often get used interchangeably. Although there is a distinction between the two, it’s not always clear to beginners what the difference is.
