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The last couple of years have seen a lot of turbulence in the world of SaaS, where companies are trying to figure out how to handle even their marketing strategies. Many SaaS brands have stumbled while the market has evolved and changing customer expectations have made critical mistakes that affect growth and sustainability.

These are the 19 thought leaders in the industry who show the most important marketing missteps so far through testimony.

From poor customer retention to the inability to communicate value propositions, these professionals will share some key lessons to help SaaS firms in fine-tuning their marketing strategies.

Prioritize Customer Retention

A common mistake I’ve seen in SaaS marketing is neglecting retention in favor of constant new customer acquisition. Companies pour money into ads for sign-ups but fail to invest in nurturing existing users, leading to high churn rates. One client was so focused on acquiring leads that they overlooked onboarding and customer success. By creating a structured onboarding campaign and engaging users post-signup with valuable content, we improved retention by 25%. The lesson: acquisition alone won’t drive growth-retention is just as important for sustainable success.

Shane McEvoy, MD, Flycast Media

Focus on Customer Pain Points

One of the biggest marketing mistakes I’ve seen SaaS companies make recently is focusing too heavily on product features instead of the customer’s pain points and benefits. In my experience, many SaaS brands get caught up in showcasing all the technical capabilities, while missing the opportunity to connect emotionally with their target audience by showing how their product solves real problems. This leads to potential customers not understanding why the product is valuable for them specifically.

Another mistake is neglecting customer onboarding in their marketing strategy. A lot of SaaS companies invest heavily in lead generation but then fail to adequately guide users after sign-up, leading to high churn rates. Investing in user education, such as personalized onboarding emails, tutorials, and webinars, helps convert trial users into loyal subscribers and improves customer retention.

Andrew Lee Jenkins, Owner, Andrew Lee Jenkins

Humanize Your SaaS Brand

As a marketer at a restaurant SaaS company, one of the biggest mistakes I made was not humanizing our brand enough. A common mistake many SaaS marketers make is focusing solely on software features rather than addressing what buyers actually want to hear i.e. what’s in it for them. For instance, when selling our restaurant software, we should focus on the problems it solves for restaurant owners, rather than just highlighting technical features.

Manav Mathur, Marketing Manager, Favouritetable

Use Personalized Communications

One specific sales and marketing mistake I’ve seen in SaaS lately is the over-use of automated email sequences versus personal follow-ups. During the past two years, many SaaS companies have doubled down on automating marketing, hoping that more is better. Obviously, it’s way easier to go auto-pilot on the sales and marketing duties. But in an effort to cut corners and get more sales and more customers, companies flood the atmosphere with templated communications. For the prospect or lead, this can feel more like a bore or an annoyance.

For instance, I’ve seen one SaaS business had developed sophisticated email automation that reached out to potential customers at predetermined times. Sales were improving but, after some time, they found that engagement rates with the emails were decreasing and leads were stagnating. The problem was that the emails weren’t personalized enough to address users’ concerns or adjust to the lead’s interaction history. Conversion rates for their service started rising only when they replaced generic follow-up emails with trigger-based personalized follow-ups that reacted to how the recipients interacted with the initial emails.

Patrick Beltran, Marketing Director, Ardoz Digital

Emphasize Unique Value Proposition

With so many tools offering similar features, vague messaging like “best in class” or “improve productivity” doesn’t stand out. Successful SaaS brands focus on specific use cases or niches and emphasize the unique features that truly set them apart. When I’ve worked with SaaS clients, shifting to niche-focused messaging helped increase engagement and conversions by making their value proposition clearer.

Another common misstep is neglecting user education. Many SaaS products come with a learning curve, and companies often don’t invest enough in onboarding, tutorials, or ongoing customer support. This leads to higher churn rates and lower customer satisfaction. I’ve seen great success by implementing comprehensive onboarding sequences, video tutorials, and webinars that guide users through the product and help them fully understand its value.

Lastly, too many SaaS companies emphasize features over benefits. They list out what their software can do, but they don’t explain the tangible impact or return on investment for the user. Shifting marketing efforts to focus on how the product solves specific problems or improves a user’s life is crucial. When I helped clients make this shift, we saw stronger connections with prospects and higher conversion rates, as the messaging resonated more deeply with what users care about.

Connor Gillivan, Entrepreneur, Owner & CMO, AccountsBalance

Integrate Market Research

Insufficient market research and customer feedback integration can lead to misaligned product offerings and marketing strategies. Some SaaS companies launch features or campaigns based on assumptions about their market without adequate data to back those decisions. This can result in features that don’t meet customer needs or marketing messages that fail to connect with the audience. Incorporating regular, structured feedback mechanisms and market research into the development and marketing process ensures that products and campaigns are well-aligned with customer expectations and market demands.

Marc Bishop, Director, Wytlabs

Balance Paid and Organic Strategies

Over-relying on paid advertising without a balanced investment in organic search strategies is a common pitfall. While pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns can drive quick results in terms of traffic and user sign-ups, neglecting SEO and content marketing can lead to unsustainable long-term growth. SaaS companies that do not develop a robust organic presence may find themselves trapped in a cycle of high customer acquisition costs, as PPC can become increasingly expensive without the support of strong organic rankings and authoritative content.

Jason Hennessey, CEO, Hennessey Digital

Incorporate Customer Feedback

Over the past two years, one of the biggest mistakes I’ve seen SaaS companies make is neglecting customer feedback. Many fail to actively solicit and incorporate input from their users, leading to misalignment between their product offerings and market needs. This oversight can result in higher churn rates and missed opportunities for product improvements. Establishing a robust feedback loop allows companies to better understand customer pain points and adapt their services accordingly.

Another common error is overemphasizing features rather than benefits. Marketers often focus too much on technical specifications, which can overwhelm potential customers. Effective marketing should instead highlight how the product addresses specific problems, improves efficiency, or enhances productivity. Additionally, inconsistency in brand messaging across various channels can confuse potential customers and dilute brand identity, making it crucial for SaaS companies to maintain a clear and consistent voice throughout their marketing efforts.

Shehar Yar, CEO, Software House

Build Community Around Product

One of the biggest marketing mistakes I’ve seen SaaS companies make is treating their customers like software users instead of community members.

They focus heavily on pushing product features and updates without creating a space for genuine interaction.

It’s like they forget that people don’t just want tools—they want to belong to something bigger, to connect with others facing the same challenges.

SaaS companies that miss the boat on building communities around their product are leaving a ton of loyalty, referrals, and long-term value on the table. I’m talking about prioritizing discussion forums, AMAs, and even user-led events.

When you focus on building that community, your customers will not only stick around—they’ll become your best marketers.

Austin Benton, Marketing Consultant, Gotham Artists

Communicate Value Over Features

One of the biggest marketing mistakes SaaS companies have made over the past two years is focusing too heavily on features rather than value propositions. Many SaaS brands tend to market their products by listing features, assuming that prospects will automatically see their value. However, potential customers are more interested in how the product solves their specific problems or improves their workflows. Failing to clearly communicate the benefits and value of the software can result in missed opportunities for conversions.

Another mistake is neglecting customer-retention efforts. Many SaaS companies focus heavily on acquiring new users while overlooking the importance of nurturing their existing customer base. Given that SaaS models rely on recurring revenue, investing in retention strategies like personalized onboarding, regular engagement, and customer-success programs is crucial for reducing churn and increasing lifetime value.

Additionally, some SaaS companies make the error of not testing pricing models. Sticking to a rigid pricing structure without experimenting with different pricing tiers or freemium models can limit growth, especially when competitors offer more-flexible options.

To avoid these mistakes, SaaS companies should prioritize communicating value over features, invest in customer retention, and continuously test and adapt their pricing strategies to meet market demands.

Omer Lewinsohn, General Manager, Marketing Expert,

Focus on Organic Traffic Growth

As an SEO and digital marketing agency founder, I’ve seen many SaaS companies fail to focus enough on organic traffic.  They dump huge budgets into paid ads to drive signups but don’t build a long-term organic strategy. One client spent over $500k on ads in 2 years but had barely any organic traffic. We implemented an SEO strategy, improved their content, and grew organic traffic by over 3,000% in 12 months. Their cost to acquire a new customer dropped by 63% as a result.

Too many SaaS companies also try to be everything to everyone. The tools and features end up convoluted, and the sales cycle suffers. I helped an HR SaaS startup reposition to focus solely on SMBs. We simplified the UI, built out key features for that market, and created an education campaign targeting HR managers. Their sales cycle decreased by 22% and win rate improved by 18% within 6 months of the new strategy.  

Finally, many SaaS companies fail to tap into the power of online communities and social media.  I worked with a SaaS business to build out their content, start an online community, and refine their social media strategy. Engagement on social channels increased by over 540% in less than a year. Traffic and signups from social referrals rose by 460%. Online communities and social media are key for building brand loyalty and word-of-mouth at scale.

Magee Clegg, CEO, Cleartail Marketing

Balance Acquisition and Retention

In my observation, a major marketing mistake SaaS companies have made recently is prioritizing customer acquisition over retention. Many invest heavily in attracting new users through ads and promotions but neglect to nurture their existing customer base. This can lead to high churn rates and lower customer lifetime value. Some SaaS companies also fail to maintain clear and consistent messaging, causing confusion among prospects and weakening their brand identity. From this, effective marketing strategies should balance acquisition with retention efforts and ensure a cohesive brand message across all channels.

Ramon Khan, CMO & Cofounder at Alloy, The Alloy Market

Deliver Real Value to Customers

I’ve noticed a concerning trend over the past couple of years. SaaS companies have become notorious for marketing missteps and gimmicks that ultimately hurt their credibility and customer relationships.

The most glaring marketing mistake I’ve observed is the tendency to overpromise and underdeliver. Many SaaS tools are simply white-labeled versions of existing products, dressed up with flashy websites and persuasive copywriting. This approach might generate initial interest, but it often leads to disappointment and distrust when customers realize the product doesn’t live up to the hype.

In my opinion, SaaS companies would benefit greatly from a more honest, transparent approach. Being upfront about their offerings, clearly communicating auto-renewal terms, and simplifying the cancellation process would go a long way in building trust with consumers. Instead of relying on marketing tricks, SaaS providers should focus on delivering real value and fostering long-term customer relationships. This strategy might not lead to explosive short-term growth, but it’s far more likely to result in sustainable success and a loyal customer base.

Ryan Doser, Contributing Tech Author, TROYPOINT

Prioritize Customer Retention

I’ve seen firsthand the marketing missteps that can stunt growth. Over the past 2 years, one mistake stands out as surprisingly common and costly:

Neglecting customer retention in favor of acquisition. 

Too many SaaS companies pour resources into acquiring new customers while underinvesting in retaining and expanding existing accounts. This shortsighted approach is a massive missed opportunity:

  • Acquiring a new customer can cost 5x more than retaining an existing one (Forrester).
  • Increasing customer retention by just 5% can increase profits by 25-95% (Bain & Company).
  • Existing customers are 50% more likely to try new products and spend 31% more than new customers (Invesp).

One of our SaaS clients was hyperfocused on lead generation, but their churn rate was rising. After auditing their customer journey, we discovered major gaps in onboarding, support, and engagement. 

Brogan Renshaw, Managing Director, Firewire Digital

Balance Top and Lifecycle Marketing

You can’t outrun churn—and if you think marketing has nothing to do with it, you’d be wrong. SaaS companies typically want to fill the top of their funnel so much that it comes at the expense of retaining customers. If you spend 50% on your TOFU, spend the other 50% on your lifecycle—emails, webinars, continuous education, and customer success.

Lana Rafaela Cindric, Content Marketer, SiteGuru

Create High-Quality Content

The main mistake I want to highlight is SaaS companies’ lack of attention to content. I often see businesses having their own blogs or releasing content on social media as part of a bigger marketing strategy. But since they apparently don’t see it as a priority, that content is often generic and, honestly, probably AI-generated. I understand that there are other areas they want to focus on, and producing content just for the sake of producing it saves tons of resources and time. 

But how are you going to connect with your clients then? It is really worth investing time into thinking through your content marketing strategy and creating high-quality content. First, this will help build trust and contribute to the formation of relationships with clients and audiences. Second, it will improve your SEO performance. 

Those two things combined, you get higher engagement and traffic on your website, drive conversions, and build a reputation as a trustworthy and professional player in the field. 

Marta Romaniak, VP of Global Branding / Vice President of Global Branding, Avenga

Improve User Onboarding

A common mistake SaaS companies make is neglecting the onboarding experience. They often assume that users can quickly grasp how to use a product without any guidance. I’ve seen several companies with great products lose customers because they didn’t provide clear, simple onboarding instructions. One client in particular had a high churn rate due to complex setup processes. Once we created a user-friendly onboarding flow and implemented automated follow-ups, customer retention increased by 35%.

Remember, your onboarding process is as important as your marketing. If users can’t immediately see the value in your product, they’ll move on to something easier.

Victor Julio Coupé, Partnerships Manager, Digital Web Solutions

Engage With Customers

As a SaaS owner and organic traffic consultant for other SaaS, here’s my take on this. 

The mistake: Over-reliance on automated marketing without genuine human engagement.

In the rush to adopt the latest marketing automation tools and AI-driven platforms, many SaaS companies have fallen into the trap of automating every aspect of their customer interactions. 

While automation can undoubtedly increase efficiency and scale outreach efforts, it often comes at the expense of authentic connection.

I’ve noticed that companies are sending out generic, impersonal emails, relying heavily on chatbots for customer support, and using AI-generated content that lacks personality. 

This approach can make potential customers feel like they’re just another number in a database rather than valued individuals.

Here’s the irony: In an industry that’s all about leveraging technology, the human element becomes even more critical. Customers are savvy—they can tell when they’re interacting with a machine versus a real person. 

When every communication feels automated, it diminishes trust and can lead to higher churn rates.

I experienced this firsthand when I signed up for a SaaS product and immediately received a flood of automated emails that were clearly template-based. There was no personalization, no acknowledgment of my specific needs or pain points. It felt off-putting, and I ultimately decided not to move forward with their service.

Why is this a mistake?

Because SaaS products often require a level of trust and understanding before a customer commits. 

These are not one-time purchases; they’re ongoing relationships. Neglecting the human touch in marketing can hinder the building of that necessary trust.

In a world increasingly driven by technology, the companies that stand out are those that remember the value of human connection. 

By avoiding the trap of over-automation and fostering genuine relationships with customers, SaaS companies can build stronger, more loyal user bases.

Vukasin Ilic, SEO Consultant & CEO, Linkter

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