The Ultimate Guide To SEO For Restaurants

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Admittedly, SEO isn’t likely to be the highest priority channel for a restaurant when it comes to acquiring new diners, but it does have a crucial role to play. This is because SEO is not just about ranking on page one, it’s about having the right content ranking on page one, to satisfy a user …

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Is Indexing The Next Big Challenge In SEO?

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Over the past year, more and more webmasters have been posting on Twitter and on Reddit that they’ve been having issues in having large portions of the websites they work on getting indexed. Anecdotally, since November 2021, I’ve also seen more and more indexing fluctuations across websites of all sizes – with the greater impacts …

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Study: How Consistent Are SEOs When Analyzing Backlinks

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Links can sometimes be a contentious topic in SEO, depending on the circle of SEOs you talk to. For me, marketing and PR are essentials in modern business (and competitive markets), and links are a quantitative byproduct of these activities. This metric is scalable, and as Google (and other search engines) have shown over the …

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How TF*IDF & LSI Optimisation Can Lead To Correlative Results

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Caveat: Google does not use LSI (latent semantic indexing). If anything they use a form of PLSI (probabilistic LSI), but, it’s not something a tool can compute to the level they use it. Along with a large number of helpful and useful articles, there are also an equal number of poor articles and dated advice …

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An Introduction To Client-Side (Re)Hydration

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In web development, hydration and rehydration are two terms that often get used interchangeably. Although there is a distinction between the two, it’s not always clear to beginners what the difference is. Rehydration is the process of taking an HTML document originally written in JSON or XML and converting it back into an XML-like tree …

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Why SaaS Marketing is Different

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SaaS Marketing is different from every other type of marketing. Whenever I speak at a conference with SaaS marketers and product owners present, the Q&A session usually includes a variation on this question: “How do I do marketing for my SaaS product?” The answer usually consists of platitudes like “be direct and to the point,” …

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