The Impact Of The September 2023 Helpful Content Update On Travel Blogs

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The September 2023 Helpful Content Update has generated considerable discussion within the SEO community. Some believe the update has been “overly harsh,” unintentionally penalizing legitimate websites. This research was prompted by a Reddit thread in which a travel blogger, whose website is nine years old, reportedly lost 80% of their traffic overnight. Such a significant …

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The Beginner’s Guide to Creating Content Hubs and Spokes

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As a content creator, developing a content hub and spoke model can be an invaluable strategy to boost your search engine optimization (SEO) and improve the user experience. A hub and spoke model involves creating pillar content that acts as a central hub, with supporting content pieces radiating out from it like spokes on a …

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Time Decay (Content Freshness) As a Google Quality Signal

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It has been known for some time (since at least 2007) that “freshness” is an element Google uses in determining content quality, and is more important to some queries and SERPs than others. If a URL (content) drops below the quality threshold it can (and will) drop out of Google’s index. Gary Illyes has confirmed …

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SAO: Search Asset Optimization

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SAO, or Search Asset Optimization, is the new frontier of digital marketing. Optimizing just your website won’t cut it anymore. To rank well in search and stay ahead of competitors, you need to optimize all of your digital assets. What exactly are digital assets? These include: Your website content (blog posts, product pages, service descriptions, …

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Early Stage User Queries & Query Stacking

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I first covered the concepts of Early Stage User Queries and Query Stacking in my 2020 post, User Experience Forecasting. In this post, and given Google has now unveiled it will be taking into account these concepts (albeit under different guises), I’m going to expand on the concepts further as I have with clients over …

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Expert Collab: Developing Your SaaS TAM & Actionable Segments

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To help you better understand the most effective frameworks and analysis methods for segmenting your TAM, we reached out to CEOs, founders, and other industry professionals for their insights.  From segmenting around pain points to employing the “Pizza Slice Model,” discover the top 10 go-to frameworks and analysis methods shared by these experts to optimize …

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