Expert Collab: Reporting Marketing Performance To C-Level

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To help you streamline your marketing performance reporting, we asked 13 SaaS and tech marketing experts to share their top tactics for simplifying the process. From utilizing marketing analysis tools to applying the rule of 3, these CEOs, founders, and marketing professionals offer valuable insights on how to effectively communicate campaign results to stakeholders and …

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How to Create Content Ideas for Your Travel Agency

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Content creation is an essential part of any successful business’s marketing strategy. It’s even more important for travel companies, as they must market both to potential customers and potential partners, such as hotels and airlines. As a travel agency, you must be creative in order to stand out from the competition and be seen by …

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Implementing structured data markup for Hotels

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There are several types for hotels, motels, and chain hotels that enable you to standardize and optimize your data markups for search engines. By adding the correct markups to your webpages, you can give search engines a better understanding of your content’s context, so they can more effectively display it in relevant search …

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How To Optimise Your Images For SEO

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Working on your SEO is great, especially when you achieve positive results. However, you also need to consider your site’s images and how you can optimise them effectively for SEO. Adding images to your blog or article will help readers better understand the content and create a visual appeal to your content. Images complementing text …

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AI Content & GTP3/ChatGPT – Is It A Threat?

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A burning question in SEO right now is whether or not AI and AI-generated content potentially spells “the end” for a large part of what it is that we SEO professionals do. In my opinion, the answer is no. AI-generated content is not yet at the point it can replace a large percentage of SEO …

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